At my clinic, we can work on: anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias, personality disorders, couple therapy, sexual dynamics disorders, personality restructuring the therapeutic method is cognitive-behavioral and integrative. 

Each person is endowed with two parts of the mind: conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the governor of our mental world, managing the impressions of the visible world, while the subconscious is the repository of memory, the abode of habits, instincts and emotions. 

From the subconscious mind, we can extract the wisdom and power we need to manage / solve personal problems. Given that the conscious mind decides our fate, in order to control our health and environment it is necessary to control our thoughts, because our character is built by countless thoughts, beliefs, habits, acquired and maintained by us in the past. 

This behavior is impregnated on our subconscious and is the cause of the present reality we live, and in order to do this we need to work with a psychologist who will guide us in discovering the inner power.

Individual Psychological Counseling involves a relationship between the psychologist and the person requesting help, based on a special type of communication, which involves a relationship of helping, valuing, confidentiality and helping him to identify his own resources.

Given that the human brain is a complex system, and humans have a “self”, i.e. a way of observing the environment from a subjective perspective, being at the same time immersed in the environment and separated from it, there are antecedents that influence the mind. human, regardless of whether we call these antecedents basal and central self, attachment links, learning patterns, ego states and so on, there is a connection between thoughts, behaviors, feelings, somatic reactions in the present and past experiences.